Thursday, March 6, 2008

I love my family

Barrett has family all over Texas and loves them all! Here are a few pictures of Barrett and his family. I wish I had pictures of everyone with Barrett, but I do not at this time. He is still doing really good, but has a little cough. He sure seems to catch a bunch of stuff at daycare. Oh, well we know they love him there and that is what matters the most. He is still grabbing at everything and finds most things very fascinting. He laughs a bunch when Chase blows on his belly and he even like Pee-Pie. I read a few books to him last night and he seemed to like the pictures. He sat there really content. He's such a sweetie! We get to go to the lake in a week and Barrett will get to see his Sugar D, Aunt KK, Skunk, Grandma, Nanny, Aunt Loraine, Aunt Janice, Aunt Joanie, Blaine, Julie and Justin, and maybe Sydney and Uncle Joe. We are all very excited to see everyone. He has changed a ton since Christmas.

1 comment:

Sydney said...

It makes me so sad that I haven't even seen him yet but I will definitely be there next weekend! He is just the cutest thing ever and I love being able to stay updated with this account, thank you! See ya'll soon : )